Thursday, November 30, 2023

Unleash The Power Of Words: Proven Book Marketing Tips For Authors By: Tyler W


    As an author, you've put your heart and soul into creating a book that you're
proud of. But now comes the hard part: getting your book into the hands of
readers. That's where book marketing comes in. In this article, I'll share with
you some proven book marketing tips for authors that will help you build your
author brand, leverage social media, utilize digital marketing strategies, create
an author website that drives sales, and harness the power of an author

The Importance of Book Marketing for Authors

Book marketing is one of the most crucial aspects of being a successful
author. Without it, your book may never reach the readers who would love it
the most. Marketing your book can help you build your author brand, increase
your book sales, and connect with your readers on a deeper level.

Start by identifying your target audience, and then tailor your marketing efforts
to reach them. This could include social media advertising, email marketing
campaigns, and book signings or speaking engagements. The key is to get
your book in front of the people who are most likely to enjoy it.

Building Your Author Brand 

Building your author brand is essential for establishing yourself as an authority
in your niche and attracting loyal readers. Your author brand should be a
reflection of who you are as a writer and what your book is about.

Start by creating a strong author bio that highlights your writing credentials
and personal interests. Then, develop a unique brand voice and visual identity
that is consistent across your website, social media profiles, and promotional

Don't be afraid to show some personality in your branding. Readers are more
likely to connect with you and your book if they feel like they know you on a
personal level.

Leveraging Social Media For Book Marketing
Social media is a powerful tool for authors to connect with readers and
promote their books. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tik-Tok
offer unique opportunities to reach new audiences and build your author

Start by creating social media profiles that are consistent with your branding.
Then, share engaging content that will resonate with your target audience.
This could include book excerpts, behind-the-scenes glimpses into your
writing process, or personal stories that tie into the themes of your book.

Consider using paid social media advertising to reach a wider audience.
Facebook and Instagram ads, for example, allow you to target specific
demographics and interests, making it easier to connect with readers who are
most likely to enjoy your book.

Utilizing Digital Marketing Strategies for Authors 

Digital marketing strategies can help authors reach a wider audience online.
This could include tactics like search engine optimization (SEO), email
marketing, and content marketing.

Start by optimizing your website and blog for SEO, using relevant keywords
and meta descriptions to help your content rank higher in search engine
results. Then, create valuable content like blog posts, infographics, and video
content that will attract readers to your website and social media profiles.

Email marketing is another powerful digital marketing strategy for authors.
Building an email list allows you to connect with readers on a more personal
level and promote your book directly to them. Consider offering a free chapter
or exclusive content to incentivize readers to sign up for your email list.

Creating an Author Website That Drives Sales 

Your author website is the hub of your online presence, and it should be
optimized to drive book sales.

Start by creating a visually appealing website that is consistent with your
branding. Your website should include information about your book, author
bio, and links to purchase your book.

Consider adding a blog to your website, where you can share valuable
content related to your books themes or your writing process. This will help
attract readers to your website and establish yourself as an authority in your

The Power Of an Author Newsletter 

An author newsletter is a powerful tool for connecting with readers and
promoting your book. By building an email list, you can keep readers up to
date on your latest projects, book signings, and promotions.

Start by designing an eye-catching newsletter template that is consistent with
your branding. Then, create valuable content that will keep readers engaged
and excited about your book. This could include sneak peeks into your writing
process, exclusive content, or personal stories related to your books themes.

Be sure to promote your newsletter on your website and social media profiles,
and consider offering a free bonus to readers who sign up.

Tea With Coffee Media Services for Authors 

Tea With Coffee Media offers a range of book marketing services for authors,
including social media advertising, email marketing campaigns, and website
design and development. We specialize in helping authors build their brands
and connect with readers on a deeper level.

We believe that every author has a unique story to tell, and were passionate
about helping you share it with the world. Contact us today to learn more
about how we can help you unleash the power of your words.


Marketing your book can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies and
tools, it's possible to reach a wider audience and build your author brand.
Remember to focus on your target audience, create a strong author brand,
leverage social media and digital marketing strategies, create an author
website that drives sales, and harness the power of an author newsletter.

Tyler Wittkofsky 

Friday, November 17, 2023

My Tips For Job Interviews

        Welcome back Everyone, Thanks for taking some time out of your busy day to come check out the latest from my blog. Today I wanted to share some of my go to tips for job interviews. Now I am by no means an expert, in fact far from it. But I have had a job since I was 12 and have even had a hand in running a few companies including being involved in the hiring process. These are just a few things that have helped me over the years as well as some tips I have received from family and past employers. I know that to a lot of you most of these will seem like common sense but you may be surprised how many people haven't heard of a few of them. 

        Tip #1. Always carry more than one copy of your Resume with you, and make sure the cover letter pertains to the specific job you and or company that you are applying to. One major thing that goes along with this is to always remember to keep your resume up to date. I know it is easy to forget when we move or change phone numbers because it's just not a document we look at every day. The reason I always suggest to make your cover letter pertain to the specific job you are applying for is simple it shows the employer that you are truly interested in that position with their company. More times than not they will go with the candidate that shows the most vested interests even if they may not have the all the requirements. The last thing I want to share for this and its very important to remember NEVER fold your resume or cover letter! I cannot stress this enough, it does not look professional and comes off like you are not truly invested. 
        Tip #2. Always show up early. Now I have always lived by the saying if you are on time you are late. I was told this as a child by my grandfather and it has been something I have lived my life by. Now I am by no means saying that you should show up an hour early, But my rule of thumb is at least 20 minutes ahead of the scheduled time. This also signals to the employer that you are punctual and you are a reliable candidate who will respect the company's time. Now I know most of you are probably saying Matt this is common sense, and you would be right but you would be surprised how many have shown up only a few minutes before the start time on some of the interviews I have conducted. You are looking to make the best impression possible to prove you are the right person for the job. 

        Tips #3. Come prepared as if you already have the job. Now what I mean by this is bring a folder with a copy of everything you would need such as your drivers licence, necessary diplomas and in most cases your social security card. Not all employers will need these on the spot, they might say just bring them on your first day, but again we circle back to preparedness.  One other thing I also do its bring a pen and paper to write down any job specifics or just in case I think of some questions for the employer so I do not have to interrupt them and save my question till the end. Remember to get as much information as you can to be sure this position or company is the right fit for you. 

        Tip #4. This one I think is a very important one and that is to do your research! What I am saying is don't go into an interview blind, You always want to know who you are really working for. I always ask plenty of questions about the company, open positions because you want to stand out from other candidates. Avoid generic questions that you can easily look up such as how long have you been operating, pay scale etc. Now don't get me wrong those are important questions but 9 times out of ten they are listed in the posting for the position or the company website. 

        I hope that some of y'all have found these tips helpful or insightful in some way, I did not want to ramble on so I kept it to just four tips. I want to pose this question to all of you wonderful readers, at what age did you get your first job and what was it? My first was delivering newspapers in my small town. I hope all of you have an amazing day and thanks for stopping by. 

- Matt 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

3 Haiku's For You


    Hey y'all welcome back, I hope all of you are well. Today I wanted to do something a bit different, change it up a bit so to speak. Recently I found a ton of my old poems that I have written throughout the years, after reading some of them I have decided that I am going to be creating a one-off poetry collection book. 

    I do not know when this will come out as I am still currently finishing up my first book, but It is for sure something all of you poetry lovers can look forward too. One big thing I have yet to decided is how to put it all together. Do I want a book of just Haiku's or a mixed bag? 

    In the mean time I have decided that I will write a few blog posts and share a few of them with you. Now I will be the first to admit these are a mixed variety, some you can tell were written in dark times and others you can tell they are about love, happiness or even music. 

    None the less I figured that this is a great way for me to share my poetry passion with all of you and maybe create a little bit of hype or build up for this book to come. I would love for you to leave a comment sharing your thoughts on the poems being shared in each post. If you think a full mental health poetry book would be cool share it, if you want a happy poem book share it, OR if you just want a whole mixed book then I am cool with that too.

    So now comes the time where I will quit rambling and share a few of these with you. I hope you like them or at least find them interesting. Have a great rest of your day/week and thank you so much for all of your support on my crazy journey. 

    - Matt 

Title- Magical Thoughts

Life is drab today

Can the sun's light cure my thoughts

Its rays are magic 

Title- Self-Worth

Our heartache lends change 

To the values in our veins

Servicing our worth 


I'm clutching the sword 

Bestowed by my own lives strife 

Consumed by the fright

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Embracing the Indie Publishing Revolution by: Tyler Wittkofsky


Embracing the Indie Publishing Revolution 

In the literary world, there's a vibrant shift occurring, with more and more authors choosing to take control of their creative works by venturing into independent publishing. This method stands as a refreshing alternative to traditional publishing, offering numerous advantages that cater to a writer's unique needs. Let's delve into the compelling reasons why indie publishing is gaining popularity and the significant benefits it offers to authors. 

Say Goodbye to Gatekeepers

One of the primary reasons authors are gravitating towards indie publishing is the chance to bypass the traditional gatekeepers of the literary world. With traditional publishing, authors often spend countless hours searching for an agent, who would then pitch their book to various publishers, a process that may or may not result in their book being accepted. 

In contrast, the indie publishing empowers authors to take the reins, allowing them to publish their work without waiting for approval from an agent. This level of control is liberating, enabling authors to share their stories with the world at their discretion. 

The Indie Publisher Advantage 

Small, independent publishers are renowned for their personalized approach. Authors working with the publishers often report feeling value and appreciated, experiencing high levels of belief and enthusiasm from their publishing team. 

This personal touch extends to communication as well. With a small roster of authors, indie publishers can be more responsive and agile, ensuring that each author feels important and heard. 

Spotlight on New Writers 

Big publishing houses often have limited time and resources to devote to debut authors. A first title that doesn't meet sales expectations could jeopardize an author's relationship with a large publisher. 

In contrast, small indie publishers tend to foster an environment of support and patience for new authors. They invest in the author, not just a single title, and distribute their resources more evenly among their authors. This approach alleviates the pressure on the debut authors and fosters a supportive relationship between the author and publisher. 

Having Your Say 

Indie publishers often involve authors in the consultation process for critical aspects like cover design, blurb, and marketing strategies. This collaborative approach ensures that the final product aligns with the author's vision and expectations. 

In contrast, authors working with big publishers may find themselves stuck with a cover that doesn't truly represent their work. Indie publishing offers a more inclusive and collaborative approach, providing a more satisfying experience for authors. 

Building Lasting Relationships  

In large publishing houses, an author's relationship with the publisher may hinge on a single editor who championed their work. If that editor leaves, the author can find themselves adrift without a strong advocate for their work. 

On the other hand, in small indie publishing houses, authors often establish relationships with the entire team, ensuring a stable and lasting connection that can weather the ups and downs of the publishing process. 

The Best of Both Worlds 

While indie publishing offers many advantages over traditional publishing, it also provides benefits compared to self-publishing. Indie publishers offer professional editing, cover design, marketing, and publicity services, as well as access to major book retailers and independent bookshops. 

They  can pitch your book to festivals and events, and if they own overseas rights, they'll work to sell your book in those markets. This blend of services offers the best of both worlds, providing the benefits of traditional publishing while maintaining the autonomy of self-publishing. 

Reducing Pressure on Authors 

A significant advance from a big publishing house can lead to immense pressure on the author to deliver sales. This pressure can result in a grueling promotional schedule that can drain an author's time and energy. 

In comparison, smaller advances from indie publishers allow authors to gradually build a following with the support of their publisher. This relaxed approach can reduce stress and allow authors to focus more on their creative process. 

In Conclusion  

The indie publishing revolution is transforming the literary landscape, empowering authors to take control of their work. With its blend of creative control, quicker publication times, and the potential for higher financial rewards, indie publishing is an attractive choice for many authors. However as with any venture, it's crucial to weigh the benefits against potential challenges to make an informed decision that aligns with your unique needs and goals.   

Founded in 2022 by husband and wife team Grace and Tyler Wittkofsky, Kelsey Lovelady, Aaran Jolly, and Victoria Moxley, Tea With Coffee Media is a team of indie authors, designers, and editors who have a goal of helping indie media producers make their dreams become a reality. Their modest press has aspirations to help as many indie media producers succeed as possible. 

Tyler Wittkofsky 

Tyler Wittkofsky is a multi-genre author, podcaster, mental health & travel blogger, and award-winning marketing and communications professional from the southern coast of North Carolina. He currently travels the United States with his wife Grace and dogs Dutch and Belle, blogging his journey at Adventures With Coffee.

His first novel, (Not) Alone, was based on true events surrounding the struggles of mental illness. The Seeds of Love: Sunflower Kisses Book One was his debut romance novel centered around a mentally ill young man. His first poetry collection, Coffee, Alcohol, and Heartbreak , was composed of mental-health based poems written over four years.

Tyler blogs his mental health journey on . He is the co-host on the Cook the Books podcast where he disuses all things writing and publishing. He is also the publisher of Tea With Coffee Media , a small independent publishing company specializing in telling untold stories. 

You can find him on socials media at @TylerWittkofsky and his work at

Thursday, April 27, 2023

My Experience Writing A Book

         Welcome back for another one y'all, I hope everyone is well. Today I wanted to talk a bit about my experience writing my book, the good, the bad and the ugly. I will start by giving a big thank you to those who supported me over the long two years that it took to complete it. Without the great support system it would never have gotten finished. Also a big shout out has to be given to all the haters as it just made me work even harder. 

        I will admit that in the beginning just the thought of doing this scared the hell out of me.  I have never been a great writer, in fact my punctuation skills leave something to be desired. But despite all of that I went ahead and got started. In the beginning I did have a dilemma on what to write about, as I had so many ideas. But in the end I stuck to what I know which was crime fiction/mystery. I was finally able to put my degree in Criminal Justice to work for something haha. 

        Having the knowledge from my degree really helped me to keep everything as period correct as possible, which saved lots of time on google. I really did not write an outline for the book, I mean I did keep a list of the important things such as character names, jobs, locations and small things like that since I knew I would have to refer back to it eventually. But as for plot outlines and such I really just went with what felt right in the moment or made the most sense at the time. 

        Another thing that helped me really get the story going was I based some of the main character after my own life. For example I gave him my first name Matt and I based his past off of mine as well we have the same college degree, went to a big University and grew up in a small farming community. By doing all of this I was able to make creating the rest of the story much easier. Tapping into the things that I knew best in life and just changing some small details in places to avoid issues down the road. 

        If I would have buckled down and put more time in I probably could have finished the book sooner but life got busy and it just kept getting put on the back burner for a week or two at a time. There were days where I would get 100-200 words down but that wasn't much. It ended up going from a novel to a novella since I ended with a little over 22,000 words and I really did not want to stretch the story with a bunch of meaningless fluff. However I am sure after the first edit and a few beta reads I will have a little more to add to the story, but we shall see. 

        As of the time of writing this I am currently saving some money so I can get the first edit done. I have 4 or 5 people who are willing to read it and give me some honest feedback once that is done. I am still debating if I want to try and get it published. It has been a big debate for me if I'm honest. At this point I am just focused on getting both edits and revisions done. Then later down the road if I want to get it published I will. 

        One thing that I want to tell people if you are debating on writing a story or book go for it. Don't let fear or what other people say deter you! The worst thing you can do is get inside your head like I did. Go with your gut, write about what you know and are passionate about that will make the process a bit easier. Looking back although stressful I did have a lot of fun writing it and putting some of my creativity to use on a more consistent basis. With all that being said I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to visit the blog today and I hope y'all have a great day! 


Friday, April 21, 2023

Welcome To The Blog


        Welcome to the first official post on the blog y'all! I will be very honest with you I really have no idea just how much I will post as I have had a blog before and got burnt out from it. But I thought now was as good of a time as any to get this one going. As most of you know I have a YouTube channel with this same name, which is where most of my main content goes these days. 

        I had this idea because there are some things I have been thinking about making videos on lately but I just feel they would be better as blog posts as I could get more in-depth with information this way. But another thing I had in mind was just like the YouTube Channel giving authors a place to advertise their books and share a bit about themselves if they so wish. 

        Most of my content is helping artists, Indie authors, musicians and the like get some press to give back for all that has been given to me over the years, It's just a free way that I can offer some help. Not to mention I love hearing about other peoples passions in life and I have to say so far this has been a blast. 

        The tagline of my YouTube Channel says it all come join me and my random ramblings as I chat about life, my hobbies and help others to do the same! That motto will be carrying over to here as well. I am very excited to see where this all really goes! So consider subscribing to my socials and sticking around. You never know you just might like the community. Have an amazing day! 

Unleash The Power Of Words: Proven Book Marketing Tips For Authors By: Tyler W

       As an author, you've put your heart and soul into creating a book that you're proud of. But now comes the hard part: getting ...